Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 1

Welcome to Court's Kitchen! A little background on myself to start...

1. I am a Newylwed (2 months to be exact).

2. First time homeowner

3. Martha Fan

4. Julie&Julia Fan

5. My Motto: "The simplest pleasure in life is time spent together in a kitchen"

I am young, half way through 23...and I am slightly old fashioned. I enjoy my time spent at home, with my, decorating, relaxing, wine exploration, etc, etc. After a long day at work...I cannot wait to get home to my kitchen. I feel revived when I begin to cook.

I am always skeptical of the food that I cook, mostly because prior to my married life...I did not spend much time in the Kitchen...but then again I was in College and living at simply was not on my radar. And as much as I love to would not be the same without sharing my food with my family and husband. I was never one to cook and eat alone, it simply is not for me. I like to sit down at the dinner table and eat together...I find that the food tastes better over good conversation.

I believe that we live our lives most of the a kitchen. You fight, laugh, scream, cry, smile, hug, kiss...mostly in the kitchen. It is where any couple spends a good portion of their time together. You come home from meet in the kitchen. You wake up...and walk downstairs to the kitchen. You eat your meals may even pay your bills there. Major moments in life and things that we say to each other...all happen in the kitchen. It is where we gather...and where (society) has gathered for decades. The kitchen truly puts our relationships to the test. I remember watching the scene from the movie "The Break-Up." It is by far one of the most intense fight scenes between a couple in movie history. That fight took place, in you guessed it, the Kitchen. Jennifer Aniston's character, wanted help with the dishes, and Vince Vaughn's character only wanted to relax and play video games. They began a fight which turned out to be more than just about doing dishes. Fights over Kitchen chores, food, dinner, etc...are common between couples, and usually mean they are having problems elsewhere. Food brings people together, that's why long drawn out intense conversations usually take place in the kitchen. It is where we have our most intense fights...and our biggest hugs. If you can find love in the kitchen everyday (whether just with yourself, your partner, your friend)...then you are on your way to living a happy, satisfied life.

I decided to chronicle my kitchen and homeowner adventures...not because I believe what I cook and do is at all very important...but because there are not many women my age (or that I have found) that share these same passions. I believe time spent in the Kitchen...good or important to maintaining a healthy life and if your out there...(and not my mother...Thanks Julie...)...comment back!

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